It's Official: Testosterone Levels Are Falling. Here's How To Fix It.

It's Official: Testosterone Levels Are Falling. Here's How To Fix It.

, by NICHOLAS ALDIS, 3 min reading time

Is Testosterone Really That Important? Yes. Insufficient Testosterone can result in the following issues:- Low Energy- Lack of Muscle Mass- Low Sex Drive- Infertility- Erectile Dysfunction- Male Breast Development (Gynecomastia)

No matter what you believe in terms of what or whom is responsible for human's existence on this planet, you have to agree that they had a cruel sense of humor when they saddled us with the ultimate male paradox; by the time our brains have developed and matured to a level where we operate like rational humans, our bodies have already started to slow down and can't perform as effortlessly as they did when we were frisky young idiots.

The most obvious example of this cruelty is the fact that Testosterone production in males starts to decrease every year after the age of thirty. Thirty. 

Armed with this knowledge, it should be concerning, then, that a recent Urology Times Study shows that Testosterone levels among US men are showing a steady decrease. In the interest of fairness, I want to acknowledge that a significant factor in the study is the fact that we are living longer as a general population, so the average is affected by the number of older men who are part of the data group. What's more concerning to me is that with all the developments and improvements in research of exercise science, nutrition and yes, supplementation, in my opinion that number should be at least staying consistent, even with the adjustment for the increase of older men in the study.

Is Testosterone Really That Important?

Yes. Insufficient Testosterone can result in the following issues:

- Low Energy
- Lack of Muscle Mass
- Low Sex Drive
- Infertility
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Male Breast Development (Gynecomastia)

What Causes Low Testosterone?

Base Testosterone levels vary on a number of things including genetics and environment. But certain lifestyle choices can have a negative effect on your T levels:

- Eating Highly Processed Foods
- Excessive Body Fat levels
- Insufficient levels of key nutrients like Vitamin D, Magnesium and Zinc
- Insufficient Quality Sleep
- Lack of Exercise

What can you do?

At the risk of stating the obvious, there are several things you can do to naturally stimulate your body's Testosterone production:

- Exercise, especially with weights: Several studies (including this one) have concluded that resistance training performed at least 3 times per week is linked to increased T levels, and that T levels increase immediately following a resistance training session.
- Get better sleep: The majority of Testosterone production occurs while you are in a deep sleep. If your sleep is insufficient in terms of amount or quality, you are almost certainly hampering your body's ability to produce Testosterone. If you're suffering from poor sleep, use a blue light filter, reduce screen time especially in the evening, turn the lights down gradually and use a sleep aid like Recovery PM and you will feel a profound difference.
- Eat Test-boosting food: Optimal T production relies on good quality nutrition: Eat nutritionally-dense foods including good fats (studies have shown that diets especially low in fat were linked to decreased T levels) like animal protein, fatty fish, avocados, shellfish, dark leafy greens, raw cocoa and berries. Then make sure you're maintaining optimal levels of T-boosting nutrients by supplementing with Vitamin D, Fish Oils and a quality Test Booster like Test-X9 or The Ultimate Test Stack which features Test-X9, T-Assist and Recovery PM for the highest level natural Testosterone stimulation.


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